Overall Experience

My overall experience at the NATM was overall very successful and received lots of helpful feedback. We were able to successfully show off our 4 main features, including the login/signup page, our user profile page where users can customize their classes, a class comparison feature which compares which classes you have with other kids, and a chat feature where you can chat with other people in your class. We still have improvements and changes to make but overall we had a lot of working features ready to demonstrate. We displayed our project to parents and students, and some parents were in the computer science department where we will be able to get some coding improvements. When we presented to the students, we got a variety of CSP students who wanted to learn and understand our code, so we went through all of our code and explained all the connection between the frontend and backend.

Photo Proof of presenting

What our project can improve on for T3

  • For the account feature, we need to implement a way for users to choose whichever clubs they would like as well as implementing a fetch command to connect to JWT cookie after login into the account page
  • Chat feature needs to be connected to the whole theme of the project by classes
  • Comparision feature needs to implement a search by name instead of search by username
  • Styling needs to be a lot more unique and changed up from the basic minima theme



  • need to have a better seller pitch when we talk to our customers
  • need to have everything integrated within each other


  • all features were working successfully and properly
  • lots of audience members were impressed with our project
  • we were able to teach the CSP kids how we did the backend integration

Something that impressed me:

This is a CSA Project within P1 and P3 people where they used AI to predict stock growth in the future and help users see when they should invest in stock. I was surprised as to how they made their AI do all of these functions and graph it out.

This is a another CSA project from P1 where they created an interactive learning game off of the inspiration of Pokemon, where you walk around the map and battle with opponents while answering questions.

This is a CSP project where they made a styling box with animations to help other students to integrate into their own projects when they need help with styling on their page.

This was a ceramic project and I was impressed to see how detailed and smooth the object was, with the hearts so perfectly drawn and the smooth surface of the object, it looks like it was done by a professional