Scrum Role

My role in this trimester and in this project was a DevOps, meaning I was in charge on frontend and backend connectability as well as AWS work. To stay organized and maintain our work, we made issues every week and we used a scrum board which was consistently updated.

My contributions

  • DA_Quotes.html
  • AWS Deployment
  • Frontend styling


I collaborated with Nikhil to get the frontend functionality working with the actual page and styling, making sure it was all clean and usable for the user.

I collaborated with Shaurya a lot to work on backend errors, which we heavily encountered, as well as getting backend code functioning through the correct methods.

I collaborated with Krishiv to make sure I am working on a function which is effective, and even coming up with the idea to make sure its friendly and tied in with the theme.

Backend Code


Quotes API Controller:


Quotes JPA Repo:


Frontend Code


Quotes Function

Frontend Runtime Link Backend Runtime Link

Overall Reflection

While I believe I did a good job of using both frontend, backend, and AWS Deployment, I would like to improve upon having better origination in the early weeks. Although I think I did a good job, I think that during the first week of the project we were confused where to start and we are all individual coders. Overall, I had many goals for this trimester, but the main one was to get more involved in the backend. This is because I had never worked with java before and I thought it would be hard and overwhelming to learn all java code. This was my first time ever as a DevOps and overall I had a great experience as I enjoyed working with AWS because I figured it could be useful for my future plans in CS, as well as I was able to do every part of the coding, from backend to frontend.

Passion Related

This project is related to my passion and my goal of becoming a data scientist as we were able to use lots of data about different types of cancers and everything its incorporated with in order to analyze it and make accurate features to correspond with it. This is directly related to my passion and I really enjoyed working on this project as I was able to use my new knowledge of java and use it what I want to to pursue, and analyze the data of cancers.

Commit Log




Frontend (deleted files are because of previous notebooks )




Lesson Grades

Unit Score
1 0.92
2 0.95
3 0.95
4 0.9
5 0.96
6 0.95
7 0.95
9 N/A
10 N/A

6.58 out of 7