What to Complete

Java Hello Hacks

Java Console Game Hacks

JS Calculator


Styling (including image in header + fixing header)

Problems Encountered

The common problem I faced was in styling as originally, I was having an issue with the element ‘ul’ and ‘li’ being both used in my header as well as bullet points in other layouts. This was causing all my bullet points in my notes to have the background color of dark grey which I had at the time, making it hard to read and messy. This also tied in with the problem of trying to implement an image into the header as the sizing would not be large enough to match the size of the elements of my header, but as I increased the size of the image, the header font size was being glitchy.

Another problem I was facing during this was the Java Console Game, and developing the higher lower number guessing game as I used my online sources to help me create the code. Since I am new to Java, it took me some time to learn the elements and the way Java language works. I was unable to have the code properly run and take user input.

Solutions to Problems

In solution to the common problem I faced, I ended up making the elements in my header to all become buttons that way it falls under a seperate element under ‘btn’. This makes it a lot easier as I was able to create my own custom styling for the ‘li’ and ‘ul’ element, as well as the new btn element. This also helped fix the issue of the sizing glitch as I was able to set each button to be the same size, and match the height + width of my logo.

The solution to my Java trouble was easily solvable through looking at Mr. Mortensen’s lesson in the file, as well as being taught from peers and learning from research. I was able to quickly realize that the reason my code was not running is because I had not included the line ‘NumberGuessingGame.main(null);’


This past couple weeks, I have been also helping a lot of my CSP friends in getting their repository working and helping them understand the functionality of the repository. I come to every office hours and spent multiple hours on call and on chat communicating with my friends in CSP to help them fix or understand some issues they were facing. All of them have very little to no knowledge of computer science and using repositories, so with my experience of CSP last year and now taking CSA, I was able to help them learn as well as work on my own repository. d