PBL Prototyping (planning, purpose, and function)

  • Link to my scrum-board
  • I want to create a personality quiz
  • The quiz will include a points system
  • The quiz will also hold data so people can see previously recorded results
  • The actual β€œscore” will not be shown, rather the given personality
  • The personality will have to be calculated using the score
  • For theming, I want to make the quiz to determine if someone is a β€œMorning person” or a β€œNight person”
  • Different from my fastpages, the colors will mostly consist of light blue and white

PBL Code/Code/Coding (Use data abstraction, code management, etc.)

  • Through a simple onClick function, I am able to create buttons
  • The functions allow me to add points and switch pages for the given buttons
  • The points system uses variables (β€œa” & β€œb”), β€œa” is for the Early Birds, while β€œb” is for the Night Owls.
  • I found that using the createRecord block, I can store data that is saved even after the application is closed.
  • Through the records, I can display past results and update the records in real-time (data abstraction).

Note: I will need time to collect data to show for the demo of the application

PBL Test

  • Using a test-driven development (TDD), I have now been able to complete the first rendition of my app.
  • The application works as it should be and is ready to be demoed