Command Type of Command
cd change directory
ls list directories
git clone create a copy of a remote repository onto a local machine
code launch vscode from the command line
brew install,manage,update software packages
update update package to latest version
install install a package into computer
which python display version of python
jupyter –version shows jupyter packages
jupyter kernelspec list displays installed kernels
bundle install the gems specified in a project’s Gemfile
make create a server in which live changes can be made

In the Development process, developers use Version control. Annotate in notes what you have learned about Version Control while doing this setup process.

Version Control Importance:

  • Tracks changes to files and code over time.
  • Facilitates collaboration, history tracking, and code management.

Jupyter and Python:

  • Ensures organized management of different versions.
  • Helps prevent conflicts between installations.
  • Provides a history of updates and changes.

Bash and Homebrew:

  • Manages changes and updates to tools like Bash and Homebrew.
  • Enables reverting to earlier versions if issues arise.


  • Supports multiple team members working on the same setup.
  • Tracks changes made by different contributors.

History Tracking:

  • Offers a timeline of changes made during the setup process.
  • Aids in troubleshooting and identifying sources of problems.


  • Allows recreation of the setup in the future.
  • References recorded changes and specific package versions.


  • Enables creation of separate development lines (branches).
  • Useful for testing new configurations without affecting the main setup.

Where are the files from GitHub placed on your local machine? How do you navigate to those files?

  • The files from github are placed under respective folder under the account user, for example mine would be under “/parav”. The repository would be found under /vscode because I had cloned the repository respectively in that spot.

Where are the files placed in the GitHub Cloud, how do you navigate to those files?

  • The files can be navigated to through the first tab in Github under “Code” where the raw editing and latest code will appear.

How would you update your Template or Fork of student repository if teacher wanted you to pick up an update?

  • The fork can be updated on the home page of the github, as in pull requests, and option will show up to update the fork.

Put into words the difference between viewing GitHub Pages running on localhost machine versus running on a deployed server.

  • Localhost shows GitHub Pages offline, while deployed server hosts them online, accessible by anyone via a web address.

What is the localhost URL for your distribution? Can anyone else see it?

  • No, no one else can see it except me.
  • Yes, everyone can access that.