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About Me

I'm Parav Salaniwal and Im a

Enthusiastic and driven student with a strong passion and analytical mindset for developing solutions using Computer Science, Data Science, and Computer programming. Deeply interested in learning and applying my programming and data analysis skills to work on real-world problems in the field of data science.

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My Projects

Car Dealership

My Car Dealership project contains a Python Flask backend with a HTML frontend. This project was created with a purpose for the new trend of electric vehicles and an easy one-stop shop to purchase the best car that suits your needs!

Game Website

This Game Website contains a variety of games, including live multiplayer chess, russian roulette, battleship with a live leaderboard, and blackjack. These games were created through the use of a Flask backend via Python and a HTML frontend using fetch commands.

NBA Stats Center

In this NBA Stats center, we used our knowledge of data science and implemented pandas and numpy to demonstrate the data of NBA players and teams, which were imported through csv files and displayed on graphs through matplotlib and seaborn.

Cancer Research Site

This Cancer Research project delved deeper into the field of data science where we analyzed the various types of cancer and the risks and symptoms that go along with them. This was made for patients who have cancer or any family members who are, as we made motivational quotes to assist one and a memorial to remember them going forward.

Stock Analysis with Fibonacci

This creation of a high level stock analysis with high level understanding and analysis using the Fibonacci retracement lines allowed to create a predictor for stock trends over time. This used deep level mathematical coding in Java and display using ctz graphs.

Jobify Student Portal

This Jobify project was made to create a one-stop shop for students and teachers where they can access all their resources from one website. This incorporates assignment submission, grades, internships, and much more. This was made using a Java springboot backend and HTML frontend.

My Skills

My creative skills & experiences.

As I have taken both AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A, I have learned both the deep understanding of Python and Java through flask and spring boot. From these courses and external knowledge, I have learned the value of team work and determination as programming could go through lots of errors and trouble. Along with this, I have learned a high level of data science and analysis, which is the path I plan to head towards.

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css js react flutter
html nodedjs vscode c++

Contact Me

Let's Get in Touch

Please contact me at your convenience and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Parav Salaniwal
15108 Palomino Valley Place
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